Flyers and Posters

Flyers and Posters

Have your message seen.

Displaying flyers and posters is a courtesy. These materials must be reviewed and approved by the residential life staff. RPS staff distributes and posts materials.

Materials must be submitted more than three (3) – five (5) business days before the event. No materials will be posted more than two weeks before an event and will be removed within two weeks after the event. Non-dated flyers or posters will be removed on the 15th and last day of each month. Approved postings will be placed in the common areas of the residence halls. Union Street Center does not allow any postings.

Specifications for Content and Size

We do not accept flyers or posters advertising any competing housing options, degrading any group or individual, or sexually explicit content, or flyers or posters containing obscene or defamatory language, referencing the use, sale, or consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana, submitted electronically, or violating university policy or federal, state, or local laws.

All flyers and posters must:

  • Promote a specific event or activity, and contain as much information as possible, including but not limited to the contact information, date and time information, location, sponsor, and title.
  • If there is no date for the event, a date to post written on the back of the flyer or poster
  • Be between 8.5 inches x 11 inches to 11 inches x 17 inches
  • Be written in English (or include an English translation)

The Process

Email a copy of your flyer or poster to for review.

If the flyer or poster is approved, bring 30 copies and leave them with the first or second floor receptionist of it at the Nelson Administration Building, 801 North Eagleson Avenue.

Center-Specific Postings: Community educators, recreation sports leaders, resident assistants, and residence center student government officials can advertise in their buildings. The center staff must approve these flyers or posters.

Most buildings have a "free board" or "free table" where materials may be posted or left. Please ask center desk staff to direct you to these locations.